My Grandmother's visitors

You would not guess who they are

My grandmother has many exciting visitors. She lives in USA. These visitors are not people, they are birds and animals! When I speak to her I hear some amazing stories about the birds and animals. These are few of the stories.

Lovely birds visit her. They come in the morning and eat the seeds, berries and nuts that she keeps in the birdfeeder. She keeps honey water for the ruby throated hummingbirds.

The chipmunks come for the nuts and berries, they take some nuts from the bird feeder or from what falls down from the bird feeder.

She said recently a fox came and took a parcel from her neighbor’s house!! That was mischievous and ridiculous.

Another night she heard a lot of rumbling noise and when she went to check it was a raccoon eating the seeds, nuts and berries from the bird feeder. Opossum too visited her another night.

The birds that visit her are mourning dove, house sparrow, ruby throated hummingbird, american goldfinch, house finch, red-winged blackbird, common grackle, cooper’s hawk, blue jay, red-bellied woodpecker, downy woodpecker, hairy woodpecker, white-throated sparrow, northern cardinal, house sparrow, european starling, gray catbird, eastern bluebird, american robin, northern flicker, house wren, dark-eyed junco, pileated- woodpecker, white-breasted nuthatch, carolina chickadee, tufted titmouse.

She is very lucky, she has many amazing interesting visitors!!



Pileated Woodpecker


I wish I have visitors like them!!